36 things I wish SOMEbody would have told me along the way about money, sex and business

By on February 12, 2015

Written by Danielle Laporte

1. Even wasted money has a return. You make expensive mistakes. You blow your cash on dumb stuff. But it’s all a paid-for education, and there’s usually someone on the other end who is benefiting, learning, prospering.
2. Credit card companies start preying on you the minute you turn 18.
3. Money works better if you enjoy it.
4. It’s all energy.

5. More often than not, get two legal opinions.
6. If your boss tries to french kiss you, it’s not okay.
7. If you don’t love the problems of your business — you’re in the wrong business.
8. Playing nice with bullies just drags it out longer.
9. Work works better if you enjoy it.
10. It’s all energy.

11. Prana is more powerful then just about anything — food, exercise, skin creams, and Spanx.
12. “Natural” deodorant is a placebo.
13. The cost of face cream doesn’t necessarily make it more effective.
14. Exercise works better if you enjoy it.
15. It’s ALL energy.

16. Everything is a phase. It will pass. They will sleep through the night. They will eat more than just pasta with butter (even if it’s all they eat for four months.) Eventually, they will think Barney is super weird and creepy and you will know that their power of discernment is blossoming.
17. Parenting works better if you enjoy it.
18. It’s all energy.

19. You never fully know someone else — and that’s incredibly exciting.
20. You will outgrow some friends — and that’s as natural as nature.
21. If you don’t like the smell of someone — it’s a big deal. It’s a cue, a clue, an indicator.
22. Loving yourself may mean that you appear to be unloving to others at times. This will be one of the most difficult aspects of self love.
23. You need to protect yourself psychically. Everyday.
24. Love works better if you enjoy it.
25. It’s all energy.

26. True intimacy trumps technique.
27. If someone isn’t courageous across their life, they will not be able to maintain real sexual intimacy. Intimacy can be faked — for months at a time, even. But eventually the mask will slip and the fear will grip.
28. Sex works better if you enjoy it.
29. It’s all energy.

30. Masculine/feminine polarity is a beautiful, very very powerful dynamic. When one person can be fully in their masculine and the other can be fully in the feminine — ahhhh.
31. Tattooing a man’s name on your body is a curse — there are statistics to prove this.
32. Men work better if you enjoy them.
33. They’re all energy.

34. If you don’t like a film in the theatre, if you leave within the first 20 minutes, you can get your money back.
35. If you don’t feel it, don’t fake it.
36. It’s not art if you don’t enjoy it. But it’s always…all energy.


danielleDanielle LaPorte is many things, not the least of which are: an author, truth speaker and most recently the creator of the Desire Map program. Get to know her better at daniellelaporte.com.

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