5 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

By on March 31, 2014
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By The Go Fit Gals 

If you’ve ever struggled with your weight, you know how easy it is to gain it and how hard it is to lose it. Often we gain the weight after trying a fad diet of restriction or calorie counting, and then we lose it by following the next new fad diet. And so the cycle continues.

You don’t need fad diets, food restrictions or calorie counting. Just a few helpful tips and some healthy changes to your lifestyle and you’ll be well on your way to a healthy weight.

Remember, it’s not about a number on the scale or looking a certain way – it’s about finding a healthy balance!

These tips below will help make sure you continue (or start) with the right healthy habits.


5 Reasons You’re NOT Losing Weight


1) You are relying on cardio alone. Though cardio can help with weight loss, it is mostly good for cardiovascular conditioning. Your best bet for weight loss is to pair healthy nutrition with strength training and a little cardio on the side.


2) You aren’t eating a balanced diet. You may be picking low-calorie options, or picking the healthiest options you know, but balance is more important than just “healthy” foods. Make sure you are getting enough protein, carbs and a variety of fruits and vegetables for a balanced, nutrient-dense meal. And remember – even healthy foods need to be eaten in moderation! Click here to try our tasty and healthy Quinoa Pizza Bites.


3) You aren’t being consistent. Eating clean and exercising on and off won’t get you results. Losing the weight won’t happen quick, so commit to your fitness and nutrition plan for at least 3 months before evaluating your progress to see if you should throw in the towel or not (which will always be a resounding NO, in case you were wondering!).


4) You’re eating too much. I know, this seems like an obvious one but, people naturally tend to assume that if they workout they’ve earned the right to eat more calories. There’s a fine line between eating enough calories and eating too many calories.


5) You aren’t eating enough. Yes, a funny follow-up to #4 right? Surprisingly enough, there are many people who aren’t eating enough food for either weight loss or muscle gain. To prevent your body from going into starvation mode (which causes it to use your muscles for energy instead of fat), you need to consume enough calories. Also, the more active you are the more calories you need in order to repair the muscle. And make sure you consume enough calories (and the right kinds) before and after you workout.




6) You aren’t drinking enough water. Believe it or not, dehydration is a huge factor in weight gain and stunted weight loss. If you make any changes for your health – start with drinking enough water! Be sure you are drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces of water (i.e. a 140lb women should drink 70oz in water a day and more if you workout and sweat.


Hopefully these tips will help you if you are struggling to lose weight, aren’t feeling healthy and energized or need help to start a healthy lifestyle.



The Go Fit Gals are your experts in fitness and nutrition for women from new mommies to menopause. They provide the coaching and the inspiration to get their members strong, healthy and confident through our unique online programs based on eating clean and training dirty. http://www.gofitgals.com/


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