Raising Love Frequency – the easy steps

By on January 6, 2020

By Arielle Ford

Love has been described as an intangible connection between two people that feels exceptionally good and yet, the word and experience of love, cannot be easily defined.

There is wild, crazy “being in love,” and there is the love of a child, friends, family, pets, co-workers, neighbors, community, etc. Then there is “divine love”and connection to God, Goddess or whatever higher power you subscribe to. I think we can all agree that having and being love is a good thing.

The entire Universe is made up of energy and we impact this energy field with our thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs and actions. All of us our vibrating, all the time, at various frequencies.

When we are in fear, self-doubt, judgment or anger, we are vibrating at a low frequency. When we are focused on love, inspiration, doing good for others, we are vibrating at a higher frequency….the frequency of love.

Think of yourself as a radio tuner with many stations. Do you want to stay tuned into the FEAR channel of the BLISS channel? You have the power to change channels at any time and it requires that you stay aware of your thoughts, feelings and emotions and rise up to the challenge of being an emotionally mature adult and turn the dial from the negative channel to the happy channel.

Many of you have heard the saying, what you put your attention on grows. When your attention is on love, you magnetize even more love. Conversely, when your attention is on not having love, or you are focused on how lonely you are, or any area of lack, you inadvertently draw this experience to you, and you are actually repelling that which you desire.

One of the fastest ways to raise your love frequency is by doing a very simple daily practice. First, make a list of all the people that you love that you know also love you. Then each day, look at this list and as you do put your attention on your heart as you allow yourself to feel the love you have for each person and from your heart send them a wave of love. By spending a few minutes each day filling yourself with the experience of love and cosmically sharing that love, you not only raise your love frequency but also make your heart magnetic to more love.

When you are consciously tune into the higher love frequencies you not only become magnetic to love you also radiate your essence and become much more attractive. Another big benefit comes from the scientific research from the Institute of Heartmath which has proven that when you are focused on feelings of love, appreciation and gratitude you boost your immune system for up to 8 hours which means you will be healthier and happier!

Sure-fire ways to raise your love frequency:

  • Be kind to yourself and others
  • Fill yourself with feelings of love, appreciation and gratitude.
  • Practice forgiveness.
  • Practice receiving.
  • Practice knowing and trusting that you’re co-creating with the Universe; and remember that if you have a desire, the desire is proof for the seeds for its fulfillment.

Tonight, as we celebrate the beginning of a New Year and a New Decade, lets collectively choose to begin vibrating at a higher frequency of love and if we do, I believe we can positively impact ourselves and the world.

Wishing you love, laughter and magical kisses,




arieArielle Ford has spent the past 25 years living and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. She is the author of the international bestseller THE SOULMATE SECRET: Manifest the Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction.

The Soulmate Secret has led thousands of men and women, around the world, to attract their ideal life parter. Arielle lives in La Jolla, CA with her husband, Brian Hilliard. Please find her at www.facebook.com/soulmatesecret  and www.soulmatesecret.com

Feature slider photo credit: Secret Garden

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