a Different new year's challenge... with a capital D.

By on January 6, 2014

From The Go Fit Gals.


The Dumbest Challenge… Ever.

Your Go Fit Gals have a unique and different approach for your New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, we have a challenge unlike no other for 2014.

I mean, it wouldn’t be us if this were a normal New Years resolution thing.

We pride ourselves on being Different (with a capital D). We are also not immune to ticking people off (well, Risse kinda has a hard time with that, but I, PJ, have spent the better part of my adult life ticking people off. So, I am immune for sure).

And, just as much as we love what we do, we also love to have fun and poke fun at not only us, but the health and fitness industry as well.

I guess you could say that’s our New Year’s Resolution – to see through the crap and let you in on the joke.

For 2014 we will continue tell it as it is, no crap, no lies and no distortions. Only truth and lots of laughter.

Happy New Year!

[youtube id=”Ws-WdEUabNA” width=”620″ height=”360″]

“Just like fad diets don’t work, neither do silly challenges. Our #500ADay joke Challenge is to remind you to stay on track throughout the whole year and don’t get caught up in silliness that won’t get you anywhere!”


gofit5The Go Fit Galsyour experts in fitness and nutrition for women from new mommies to menopause. We provide the coaching and the inspiration to get our members strong, healthy and confident through our unique online programs based on eating clean and training dirty. www.gofitgals.com


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