awakening through visual arts with cat caracelo

By on December 23, 2013


by Cat Caracelo 


This morning I was awakened and slowly became conscious to a very, very persistent inner voice. My own voice seemed to be speaking to me, saying the words Co-Active Manifesting over and over.

I know! Slightly odd, but wonderful and wild!

These are very specific words to be woken up by and I finally decided to listen more closely after rolling over a few times and trying to ignore it. I brought myself to semi-consciousness, and found that I was saying the words back to my inner voice. Co-Active Manifesting…Co-Active Manifesting…Co-Active Manifesting…the call and response made me crack open an eye to look at the clock (3:01am).

Ugg. OK 3:01 am…hmmmmm. I felt the pull of something important and decided to listen, to really listen and awaken myself. I don’t always listen at 3:01am but I realized an opportunity was being voiced, it was literally waking me up. As I got out of bed I remembered that today was bringing in a new moon.

I love the reflective illumination of the moon and often pay attention to her cycles and energies. Every new moon is a potent time for exploring and releasing the seeds of inspiration. But today is also an Eclipsed New Moon, which carries an even deeper, mystical message of releasing old patterns, shadowed ways, realigning with personal values and claiming space for what is important…NOW.


bleary eyed creatingBleary eyed creative time!

I trusted my deep instinct to wake up and took myself quietly to my studio space knowing that the only way I was going to be able to explore this voicing was through images, materials and art-making. I never know exactly what I’m doing when I sit down with materials and I have learned to follow my intuitive sensing and this is exactly what I did, sleepy yet wide awake. I brought the words Co-Active Manifestingto the symbolic language of image.

Learning to be comfortable with ‘not knowing’ is a practice I have cultivated over many years. Sometimes I will ready myself for the creative process and nothing happens while other times I sit down and my material of life starts to come together quickly. I was conscious of these words that had come to me and broke it down:


What is Co-Active Manifesting, anyway?

Cooperation: To work with others or self in a way that is in alignment with purpose

Activation: To spark and experience movement in a way that is understood, dynamic and directional

Manifestation: To vision in a way that aligns with, anticipates and creates movement toward possibility and potentiality


As I was musing on the words, I was reminded of many experiences I have had in guiding journey classes where manifestation is activated in mysterious and dynamic ways, facilitating shadow process that relies on active willingness to enter the dark places in order to reveal and ignite healing, and recent conversations with my coaching clients about consciously creating, as a cooperative, purposeful and directional process.

Today brought me a gift in the form of powerful words that woke me up. I spend several hours working with creative flow, finding the images and words that met me in a place of deep knowing.

I created a vision map for myself on this New Moon Eclipse.

When I look at it I can see the shadows that are released here as I lean in towards my emerging dreams and new patterns. I invite in some specific intentions and inspired movement – for instance ‘be heard’ invites me to speak clearly!  I found new images, words, values, goals and truths bubbling up to the surface to meet me and recognized them as gifts of information that are exactly what I need to activate in my life!


I am so grateful for magic moments of deep connecting. I am glad that I woke up and took the time to be with this process and honor myself with sacred creative time. And now I get to share it with you! I hope you will look deeply into your own life and find ways to translate your experiences into process…this is one way you can cultivate co-active manifesting through art-making and experience it as affirmative and powerful life-making.

Please connect with me for additional information, questions and ways of activating your vision and tapping into your own vision and manifesting process. Honoring this New Moon Eclipse I am offering a very limited number of two hour super sessions. This distinctive individual coaching process includes supportive handouts given before we meet and after, is designed to crack open and spark your co-active manifesting muscle. Create desired movement in your life and connect with me at

In Vision,


Cat Caracelo M.A. is a Artist and Guidess who works internationally with individuals and groups. Cat’s focus is on designing, supporting and guiding others through transformative process, depth coaching and conscious life design. This powerful work is supported by the art of living into possibility, using symbol and the language of ones own personal stories, myths and journey as reference.  Cat’s education includes an BA in Psychology and MA in Transformative Arts and Consciousness Studies, with extensive training and mentoring in coaching with Debbie Ford, New York Times bestselling author and life coach. Incorporating art as a powerful intuitive and complementary practice, Cat offers guidance and support for creative inquiry and life design.

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