elinor stutz gets personal: business with purpose

By on July 16, 2013

“We possess the ability to become what our mind envisions”

Life sometimes throws each of us a curve ball or worse yet, a dark moment.  How we deal with these unwelcome events may change the course of our business and possibly our life.

My own dark moments had me reviewing where I was and the many ways in which I could improve my style, and I found there was one missing element.  It was with good fortune I am able to share my story and insights to hopefully encourage you on your journey.

Stopped at a red light and ready to have a “me” day, my plans changed in a swift instant.   A car from behind plowed into mine at full speed.  Ten years of periodic neck pain became mine as no doctor wanted to undertake the liability of seeing me paralyzed.  Then one night on a slick road, our family car skidding into a lamppost, I was heard saying, “You’d better call an ambulance.”  At first, fear entered my mind that this would be my last ride.  Luckily, I caught myself and changed to positive thought from that point forward.  And, I quickly embraced the meaning of, “Seize the day!”

A positive mindset is the number one tool to get you to where you wish to be and make your dreams come true.  Statistics are established only until you decide to raise the bar yourself.  Continuing my story, the entire medical staff believed I would finally be paralyzed, but not me.  My thought became, “Opportunity exists wherever you seek it out.”  It was on the stretcher waiting to be admitted to the hospital where two visions clearly outlined where I was at that moment and where I was to be headed.  It became my turn to seize the day.

My dark moment turned out to be the best experience of my life because I recognized a better path for building business and living life.  As time passed, and I built my business, I met many similar minded people who were making great strides in their business.  My close network had significantly changed.  Instead of holding me back with doubtful messaging, for the first time, I was encouraged to go further than I ever thought possible.


Here is my discovery of how very successful entrepreneurs work:


Seek opportunity everywhere. In my case, a brain surgeon asked if I would grant him permission to do an experiment on my spine prior to surgery. Wild with excitement that a brain surgeon wanted to work on me, I emphatically said, “Yes!”

Invite Help. Push ego aside on the occasion doubt clouds your mind. Ask others how they achieved their success. Answers will pour forth!

Collaborate. Do you trust others? In the corporate sales arena, we quickly learned to never share our secrets for success in order to earn the cherished trips. Entrepreneurship taught me we are each unique individuals eliminating the idea of competition. Collaboration with similar minded others exponentially extends your audience reach.

Persevere. Thomas Edison is the best example as he persevered through hundreds if not thousands of ways to perfect the light bulb until finally, the light came on!

Ask for the sale. Fear of asking for what you desire badly affects progress.  By working to help solve business problems, building relationships, and having a free exchange of ideas with your clientele, will make asking for the sale a natural conclusion to the conversation.  In fact, some will actually ask you permission to purchase!

Serve others. The good fortune was mine upon interviewing individuals who lost everything held dear to them. I learned they used their loss in the most positive way – they served others. Everyone involved benefitted and the greater good was found.


Over time, I recognized success is dependent upon how you care for your mind, body and spirit.  As you recognize your values and principles for doing business and remain true, you build your authentic brand.  Just as your exercise your mind through reflection and working on a roadmap toward your long-term vision, your body requires exercise too.  Together they re-invigorate your spirit.

My personal healing from surgery was not only mind and body, but of spirit too.  I came to realize helping others does not require an open checkbook.  Instead, it may simply mean reaching out to those following in your footsteps to teach what you have found to work best.   Readjust your business model to include community service to find your greater good.


These principles and more, applied to business development, may be found in Stutz’ new book, INSPIRED Business A New Vision for Building Business and Communities.  The tagline is, “Believe, Become, Empower.”  It is the author’s suggestion that together we may bring about societal change by improving communities everywhere.  And, the more thought we put into conducting an INSPIRED Business, the better a legacy will be left for future generations. 


Elinor StutzElinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, authored “INSPIRED Business A New View for Building Business and Communities”;  “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results” and “HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.  Elinor was designated as a “Top 25 Sales Influencer for 2012.”  Visit www.smoothsale.net


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