By on June 24, 2020

By Sarah Lynnette

Dear past, firstly, let me thank you.

Thank you for the learning lessons that you have provided me with. Thank you for the mental confusion and internal battles you caused me to have, from them, I now know what mental clarity and internal peace are.

Dear past, thank you for the roller coaster ride of emotions, the instability, the second guessing. As a result, I now know and enjoy emotional control. I understand how to preserve my energy for the things and situations that benefit me. The instability taught me to understand the importance of having a solid foundation to rely on. The constant second guessing taught me to use, trust, and depend on my own intuition and inner knowing.

I am grateful for you past, for exposing my weaknesses, laying bare my hidden internal traumas, and bringing to light my unrealized issues with codependency. Without you, past, I wouldn’t have recognized that those areas in my life needed my full attention to begin self healing.

Dear past, thank you for the lessons in betrayal, deceit, and disappointment. Those lessons left me feeling as if I wasn’t enough and like I needed to change to fit the desires of those who I’ve deemed as important in my life. It left me feeling like I was broken, like there was a void inside of me that only my past could fill.

That hurt a lot, I can’t lie. I must also admit that despite the pain, it reminded me of who I used to be, who I’ve always been. It reminded me of unconditional self love, self respect, self worth, and self value. It brought me back to the understanding that I have always been WHOLE. I remembered that nothing external can either add to or take from that truth.

Dear past, today I celebrate you. Because of you I am stronger, wiser, more agile, and less prideful. Thanks to you I am less critical of myself and others, more stern with my boundaries, and I am able to speak my ultimate truth when needed. You taught me to stand up for myself.

So I must thank you again, past. I truly honor your lessens. I honor them mostly by choosing not repeat my same mistakes. I release the negative emotions associated with my lessons and bind myself to the life changing takeaways.

I release negative thoughts and old mindsets that didn’t serve me and replace them with gratefulness and a new mind.

I hope I’ve made you proud past. I know you didn’t present me with those trials to knock me down and give me feelings of hopelessness or defeat, you gave them to me to make me become the best version of myself. And become my best version, I will.



saraSarah Lynnette is a motivational speaker and women’s empowerment coach dedicated to identifying and removing obstacles caused by childhood traumas and limiting beliefs. Her mission is to empower women by assisting them in discovering the strength that comes through healing their internal scars. After becoming consciously aware of her spiritual journey and healing through her dark night of the soul she now dedicates herself to motivating and inspiring others to look at their darkness in order to embody their light.

Please find her at:, FB:, and IG:

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