Don't Let the "Ism" Steal Your Dream

By on November 1, 2015

By Colette Baron-Reid

Dearest you,

Do you have a dream, a desire to create something, to express yourself, to achieve a goal, to reclaim a lost part of you itching to be reborn? Do you tell yourself you’re too old, too fat, too tired, too busy, too rusty, or too late? Does the word playful sound foreign?

Is it a fear that whatever it is just won’t be good enough?

Sometimes we might just fall for the ego scammer that calls our number with a warning “lest we fly too high”, and find ourselves a hostage of Perfectionism.

When “ism” follows “perfect” it’s like you’re a bystander watching your dreams deflate and disappear while a tiny Gestapo in drag marches back and forth at the periphery of awareness. Snap! Who do you think you are to dream or do?

Of course it’s not just the personal issue – there’s ageism, sexism and all kinds of other “isms” so pervasive in our culture too. All those “isms” are like being lost in the middle of a bad relay race in a thorn covered maze filled with snickering invisible voices or even worse like being thrown into the Hunger Games with a cheese sandwich as a weapon. Take that you – you old dream!

Wrong hunger games honey.

Inner S**T Maintained is what I call that inability to break free from the “ism” that says you’re not worthy or welcome.

So why am I talking about this?

I gave perfectionism the finger this week and set myself free from the stories that feed it.

I have a video I want to share with you that will show you the process of overcoming a big fear, stumbling through the barriers of trying to do something I once loved more than anything, stumbling awkwardly at first and then finally throwing my heart into it and owning it.

What am I talking about?

I’ve decided to add music into my live events after 10 years away from it. I’m no spring chicken and at times I’m squawking but I have a dream and I need to do it not just dream it. And it doesn’t have to be perfect anymore and not everybody has to like it or me. I’m doing it for Spirit. And that’s the whole point.

So whatever it is you’ve been putting off because you’re plagued by an ism or two. Don’t let it steal your dream. Life is short. Don’t just write the bucket list, do it.

Love you all so much.


Collette Baron-ReidColette Baron-Reid is an intuitive counsellor and founder of the Master Intuitive Coach Institute. Her book, “Weight Loss For People Who Feel Too Much”  is available on Amazon and in book stores everywhere!

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