Fat burning workout-Tabata intervals with Crystal Champagne

By on March 22, 2014

Tabata interval training is one of the most intense and effective types of interval training, and the best thing about Tabata training it takes only four minutes. However don’t be fooled, this short time can produce significant results.

Tabata training was discovered by Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo. It became apparent through his research that this kind of interval training produced better results than a normal aerobic workout.

With Tabata training you are able to build muscular endurance equivalent to a forty five minute normal cardio training in much less time and much less wear and tear on the joints and muscles.

All my clients who work with me know that I am a keen believer ofinterval training and know it gives results “big time!”

Tabata intervals are as follows: After warming up take any exercise and perform it in the following manner:


-20 seconds, do as many reps as possible or run on an incline or bike as hard as you can,

-Rest for 10 seconds,

-Repeat this seven more times.


The best exercise options for the Tabata method are exercises which use the larger muscles groups, such as squats, running or stationary biking.

Here is a link I have found that has designed music especially made for the 20 second work intervals.http://www.workoutmuse.com/blog/tag/free-workout-music

Just for today try the following workout and use the music above to help guide you through your training.


Tabata Intervals

1. Squats 8 sets/20 sec. work /10 sec. rest

2. Push Ups 8 sets /20 sec. work /10 sec.

3. Crunches w/ feet 90 degree angle on wall
8 sets /20 sec. work /10 sec. rest

Have fun and feel free to give me your feedback!


Crystal Champagne  specializes in helping people of all walks of life be it corporate or elite athletes reach their personal best and health objectives through individually designed programs and group training. She gets her inspiration by helping others achieve their personal fitness goals. Her motto is to work hard so you can play hard. She believes in leading by example and enjoys a well balanced life of exercise, diet, fun and maintaining a positive attitude towards life.  Crystal is known for her creativity and ability to generate new and exciting workout programs tailored for every individual. Her goal is to help clients achieve a healthy lifestyle while avoiding the pitfalls of monotony.

If you would like to book a personal training session or group class please contact Crystal at crystalfitness.net

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