Why You Should Be Making More Time for Skincare

By on March 29, 2022

By Cora Gold

Do you still tumble into bed with a full face of makeup on? Doing so does more than stain your pillow. Neglecting your skincare routine can take a long-term toll on your appearance.

Fortunately, you don’t have to spend hours in the mirror each day applying various potions. All you need is a simple, streamlined routine that covers the basics. Here are five reasons why you should wash your face before going to bed – and make more time for skincare overall.

1. You Need to Choose the Right Moisturizer

People’s skin types come in nearly endless varieties. Relatively few people are universally dry or oily. It’s far more common to have a problematic T-zone or issues with ashiness around your elbows and knees.

Which one is best for you? It helps if you start by analyzing your skin type and decide which of the four types of moisturizer will work best for you:

  • Humectants: These work to draw water back into your skin and bind it in place with ingredients like aloe vera and hyaluronic acid. They’re light and appropriate for any skin type.
  • Emollients: These richer creams offer the ultimate moisture for severely dry skin. They use oils and fatty acids to fill gaps and repair damaged skin. They work best for dry, wrinkly skin and those prone to conditions like rosacea.
  • Occlusives: Occlusives are similar in texture to emollients, making them another excellent dry skin healer. What sets them apart is their use of ingredients such as petroleum jelly or mineral oil to seal moisture inside the skin and create a thick, protective barrier against the elements.
  • Ceramides: Ceramide creams can be light or heavy, depending on the other ingredients. These substances occur naturally in your skin and trap moisture inside. However, you produce less of them as you age, creating the need for moisturizer.

2. You Should Protect Against the Sun’s Rays

Skin cancer continues to claim lives each year and it can leave you with scars long after you recover. It’s far better to prevent it by wearing the right sunscreen. Regular use of an SPF 15 or higher results in a 40% reduction in your squamous cell risk, the second-most common form of this disease. It also slashes your risk of melanoma by 50%.

You’re better off choosing natural, healthy, mineral-based brands, as some people worry about how chemical-based formulations may affect your body. Many use plant-based ingredients like zinc oxide and aloe vera to reflect the sun’s rays.

3. You Should Change Your Routine With the Seasons

Your skin might have different needs in the summer than in the middle of winter. The cold season might demand a heavy, oil-based moisturizer.

However, failing to switch to a lighter variety before summer’s heat and humidity can leave you with increased acne breakouts. Consider switching to a water-based moisturizer or one that uses a light, breathable oil like argan.

It’s also fun to get flirty with your looks as the seasons change. If you’re tired of dour winter weather, playing with fun spring pastel shades can help you break the worst of the end-of-the-season blues.

4. Your Skin Changes as You Age

Your skin changes as you age, but not all of the shifts will leave you dismayed. For example, the worst of your teenage acne typically begins fading away by your early 20s, although you might still get the occasional zit well into your 30s and even your 40s. Then, you get to decide between drying creams to treat redness or moisturizers to fight wrinkles – fun times do lay ahead.

One reason acne disappears is that your skin produces less oil and sebum with age. While this development might delight you at first, you could find yourself getting quite dry, especially in winter. That’s the time to find the best moisturizer for you. Talk to your dermatologist if you need further guidance.

Your skin also becomes thinner, even crepey, with age. Fortunately, you have various potions, from niacinamides to hyaluronic acid, to help you maintain vital moisture and keep your skin springier and firmer.

5. Climate Change Affects Your Complexion

If you need another reason to fight climate change, you’ll find it in the mirror. As the earth’s protective ozone layer depletes, more damaging UV rays make their way to your complexion. It’s more vital to wear sunscreen every day than ever.

Furthermore, climate change causes rising temperatures coupled with droughts. Overly dry conditions can leave your skin parched. Drinking more water helps, as does upping your moisturizing game.

Better yet? Do your part to combat climate change. Repurpose and recycle, decrease your carbon footprint by walking or biking when possible, and vote and advocate for politicians who take environmental protection seriously.

Why You Should Be Making More Time for Skincare

You only get one complexion. Once you damage it, the effects may be permanent. Why not care for your skin instead?

Changing needs, with seasons and age, will keep you on your toes. Consider the five reasons above and make some more time for skincare starting today.


Cora Gold has spent over five years writing about her passions for life, love and happiness. As Editor-in-Chief for women’s lifestyle magazine Revivalist and a freelance writer, she enjoys connecting with others who share these passions. Follow Cora on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

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