the shriver report on gender equality now available

By on January 14, 2014
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One out of three women in the United States is a late paycheck or a doctor’s bill away from being destroyed financially.

Poverty is not just poor children living in inner cities or of families living in remote areas. Poverty is one third of women and it is everywhere.

Maria Shriver, in partnership with the Center for American Progress, has just released a report detailing the reality of American women’s lives: The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink.

How could this be? How can america tout freedoms and advances for women when one in three are living at or near the brink of poverty? Simplified, the American political and cultural systems have not caught up with the reality of women’s lives.

Maria says: “What women need now is a country that supports the reality of women’s dual roles as by far the majority of the nation’s caregivers and breadwinners,”

Women make up the majority of breadwinners AND nearly two-thirds of minimum-wage workers, most with no paid sick days. If mom gets sick, the children go hungry.

The American family has permanently changed from what is was 50 years ago but Washington and corporate America have not caught up to this reality, most affected by the drastic underrepresentation of women at the highest levels of public and corporate service.

The Shriver Report focuses on what working women need to be successful in today’s economy — identifying why women are powerful in some places, and powerless in others, why this matters, and what we can do about it. It includes essays from political leaders, business leaders, religious leaders, journalists, activists, and academics including Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Sheryl Sandberg, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Carol Gilligan, Eva Longoria and Sister Joan Chittister.

“The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink” is available now for FREE. Click here to download your copy. (This free of charge offer ends on Wednesday, January 15th.)

You can also watch “The Shriver Report LIVE” from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST on Wednesday, January 15th. It will be streamed live on


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